20 Amazing Bodies of Female Golfers

Publish date: 2024-04-27

Discover the inspiring stories of 20 remarkable female golfers who not only excel on the greens but also embrace the challenges of life off the course. From Jin Young Ko's determination to Maria Stackhouse's advocacy for women's rights, these athletes showcase their dedication to the sport and their unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. Join us as we delve into their training routines, mental fortitude, and personal journeys, providing a glimpse into the incredible minds and bodies that make them outstanding athletes and role models for the world.

Jin Young Ko opened up about her preparation and training process in an interview with Golf.com. "I think the more difficult process is when I'm preparing for events and when I'm training. And it's also more fun at the time when I'm actually training because I think it's fun to feel the improvement that you make after hard work. So that's what's really a driving force for me."

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Mariah Stackhouse, and many other golfers spoke out against this. "It's incredibly disheartening that in 2022, women's rights are being taken away," said Stackhouse in an interview. "With the makeup of everything right now, the makeup of the court, I just don't really see a brighter side. You've got to hope that there's still some fight left in us, and we can figure this out as a country."

After winning the Chevron Championship not long after her grandfather's death, Lillia Vu spoke about this to CNN. "Now I know that everybody's journey is different, and everything happens for a reason … Even today, I was getting really upset on the course, and I just had to remind me, like, 'Grandpa is with you, and he'd be really disappointed if you were getting upset like this and that you didn't get your act together.'"

Allisen Corpuz also spoke out against Roe v. Wade's overturning in an interview. "I just think it's really disappointing," said Corpuz. "As a woman, I think it's part of women's healthcare just to have the right to your own body. It just feels like there's been a lot of progress made … even going into pretty recent history of women getting the right to vote. It just kind of feels like we're taking a step backwards."

During the pandemic, Ashleigh Buhai shared how she was still keeping herself in shape to CompleteGolfer.com. "I've been using lockdown to improve that, by having Zoom training session three times a week with my trainer Artur Pereira. We have done a lot of body weight training, focusing on core and legs as well as using superflex bands for upper body. I've also been listening to podcasts and audio books to stay mentally sharp so that I will be ready for when we do resume."

Leona Maguire shared her training routine with redbull.com. "I go to the gym four times a week too," she says. "When I'm in season it's a little bit less – two or three times a week. A lot of people think that golfers don't need to work out but it's crucial to build up strength during the off-season and prevent injury. Golf involves a lot of time in certain positions where you need a strong core, back and legs. Strength training is as important as golf practice."

Nelly Korda does a lot of things to keep herself in shape. She shared some of her favorite workouts in this video on Instagram. In it, Korda does a lot of weight training exercises, like deadlifts, throwing a ball, and bridge raises with a dumbbell. 

Georgia Hall shared some of her favorite workouts with BBC.com. "I've got resistance bands, mats, foam rollers so I do a bit of that. But as my one form of outdoor exercise I probably go for a 30, 40 minute run which is something I never used to do, never. I'm forcing myself to run which is really good for me and for my willpower because I never used to be that good at it. I'm really trying to put the effort in each day over five or six kilometres."

Hannah Green became the first female golfer to win a co-ed event in the Webex Palyers Series. She talked about the importance of this in an interview with Golf Digest. "It felt pretty good to say I'm the first female to win a TPS event and even around the world. It's a great feeling and hopefully it's not the last time a female has a trophy in her hands."

Jennifer Kupucho makes sure to eat healthy. One of her go to snacks? Bananas. "I grew up always having some kind of fruit," Kupcho said to Golf.com. "And bananas were always my favorite because they filled me up and lasted me a while in the round."

Danielle Kang opened up about her wellness and career in an interview with Golf Digest. In it, she talked about managing her mental health. "Seeking help for mental health needs to be normalized. I've had help. I see a sport psychologist and a therapist so that I can talk about what I need to talk about. I lean on my friends a lot, too. However big or small the issue, I know I have to get my mind clear, so I can play. I also know it's not always going to be clear. I've been learning to perform even when things are going on. I use box breathing [inhaling for four counts, holding your breath for four counts, exhaling for four counts and repeat] a lot on the course."

In an interview with Mass Golf, Megan Khang talked about what she's learned from the sport and her experiences. "I learned I'm a lot more capable than I thought I was, in terms of being creative and committing to some shots that I didn't think I could do. I learned that I can do anything as long as I commit 100% and as long as I don't get ahead of myself. I'm a little bit of a hothead, but I've learned to calm myself down from the years on tour. I've learned, as long as you give 100%, you can't be mad at the result."

Minjee Lee had the highest payout for a woman at the 2022 US Women's Open. She tells CNN that she wants to be a role model for young people out there. "Hopefully they can watch me on TV and I can be a great role model for all the girls and boys all around the world to follow your dreams," Lee said. "You can do it. Anybody can do it. As long as you stick to your plan and stick to what you love then I think you're always going to be doing the right thing."

Ally Ewing opened up about how she manages her diabetes in an interview with LPGA.com. She says that it is all about managing the ebbs and flows of her diabetes. "It's an everyday battle. Some days are different than the others, but you just manage it. You stay on top of things."

In a personal essay for Golf.com, Stacy Lewis talked about what she has learned from the sport. "This game can teach you so much. About yourself. About humility. How to handle tough situations. How to carry yourself. How to interact with people. 'Yes, ma'am.' 'No, sir.' To be around the game at a young age, it's such a great learning experience."

Alison Lee notably opened up about her struggles with mental health and how her sport has effected it. "Sometimes when you're in moments like that you just drown in your own thoughts and it makes it worse," Lee said to LPGA.com. "I feel like people shouldn't be afraid to come forward and really talk about what's going on in their head…I would say you're just going to have to learn to deal with all the pressure, all the anxiety, all the emotions you have. It's going to become part of your daily life basically. It's a question of if you can handle it and how to handle it."

Bailey Tardy opened up about her self-confidence in an interview with Golf Digest. "Other people might not, but I've always believed in myself to win any tournament that I enter," Tardy said. "I'm good enough to be here, and I've been on the LPGA, so I feel like I definitely have the game to hang with the best in the world."

Marina Alex did a live Q&A on her Instagram. In it, she talked about her mental health, and how she stays focused. "One thing I learned from my coach especially, is the importance of meditation and taking some time for yourself and being able to find a quiet place in your head," she says. "It's tough. We have so much distraction—cell phones, iPads, everyone's always on something or Facetiming, or doing so many different things, and a lot of time you're not just able to be with yourself and your thoughts. And when you're on the golf course, that's a majority of your time. And if you're not practicing that, it's easy to lose. Especially under pressure and when you're feeling nervous. There are things that make you uncomfortable, so it's really important to practice mental strength. And also be kind to yourself. Golf is really hard, especially from a mental standpoint, so you can't beat yourself up whenever you make a mistake or do something wrong.

Ryann O'Toole decided to give up alcohol for her wellbeing. She opened up about this decision in an interview with GolfWeek. "Even a simple drink made me very foggy the next day," said O'Toole. "It made me on edge. I don't think my body processes it very well."

Lisette Salas is all about bettering her mental health. She talked about this in an interview with LPGA.com. "I think when I finally unloaded the weight that I was carrying to my team, that was a big turning point. And I think being okay to be vulnerable and ask for help, having that in my mind has been super helpful. Saying it this week was the right thing to do and the right time to talk about it."
