Bottom of a skirt

Publish date: 2024-05-13

General knowledge plays a crucial role in solving crosswords, especially the Bottom of a skirt crossword clue which has appeared on August 10 2023 Crosswords with Friends puzzle. The answer we have shared for Bottom of a skirt has a total of 3 letters but also has other possible answers listed below the main one. Clues often reference historical events, famous personalities, geographical locations, scientific terms, and popular culture. This makes crosswords not just a test of one's linguistic abilities but also an exercise in general knowledge and cultural literacy.

Verified Answer


An onomatopoetic word used as an expression of hesitation, doubt, etc. It is often a sort of voluntary half cough, loud or subdued, and would perhaps be better expressed by hm.
An utterance or sound of the voice, hem or hm, often indicative of hesitation or doubt, sometimes used to call attention.
To make the sound expressed by the word hem; hence, to hesitate in speaking.
The edge or border of a garment or cloth, doubled over and sewed, to strengthen raveling.
Border; edge; margin.
A border made on sheet-metal ware by doubling over the edge of the sheet, to stiffen it and remove the sharp edge.
To form a hem or border to; to fold and sew down the edge of.
To border; to edge

Listed here below we have the other possible answers to Bottom of a skirt crossword clue.

99%HEMBottom of a skirtCrosswords with Friends
20%HEMLine at the bottom of a skirt or coatCrosswords with Friends

Recent Usage in Crossword Puzzles:

The most accurate solution to Bottom of a skirt crossword clue is HEM

There are a total of 3 letters in Bottom of a skirt crossword clue

The Bottom of a skirt crossword clue based on our database appeared on August 10 2023 Crosswords with Friends puzzle
