John Travolta explains why he needs to work out with buff gentlemen at 3 am

Publish date: 2024-04-20


Of all John Travolta’s wiglets, this one isn’t too bad. It might be one of his better ones, right? These are photos of Travolta at the 12th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards over the weekend. He was supposed to present Angelina Jolie with an award, but there are NO photos of Angelina anywhere to be found and I don’t know if she even came out for this. You know why I think Travolta’s hairpiece looks so good here? It’s because Travolta doesn’t have any sketchy facial hair to distract from his ‘piece. Remember his facial hair in the past year? He was doing that gross soul patch for a while, then he was doing a really disturbing goatee. He looks much better clean-shaven, and this wiglet is a keeper.

As I briefly discussed last week in the links, Travolta was spotted at a 24-hour gym at 3 am. He started up a conversation with the only other person in there, a buff young gentleman (of course). Travolta even posed for a photo with the buff gentleman, and shockingly, Travolta works out sans wiglet. While Travolta was on the carpet for the Living Legends of Aviation Awards, he was asked about the incident and he tried to explain. Keep in mind, I had to read these quotes three times before I realized that John was explaining why he works out at 3 am (versus why he doesn’t wear a wiglet while working out).

John Travolta has been working out extremely early – and without his hairpiece – and the reason is his children. The 60-year-old actor explained his 3am workouts as the result of a busy work schedule and the demands of two young and active kids. Speaking at the 12th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards on Friday, John (with hairpiece back on) described his busy life to Access Hollywood.

‘I’m a father. They still want me to play with them at a level of a much younger man,’ John explained.

With wife Kelly Preston, John has two children, 14-year-old Ella and four-year-old Benjamin (the couple’s eldest child, Jett, died of a seizure in 2009). As for how these young children affect his gym schedule, John pointed out that ‘in order to stay healthy for them, that’s what I do.’

‘I play tennis every day and I lift weights,’ he added. ‘I just take vitamins and try to keep my health so I can stick around for them.’

‘I should really be their grandfather,’ John joked when he considered his own age.

That age showed when John was at the gym for his middle-of-the-night workout – another gym patron snapped a selfie with the actor, who was not wearing a hairpiece for the exercise.

[From The Daily Mail]

Yes, a 60 year old trying to be a hands-on dad to an active 4 year old has got to be rough. But you know what else is rough? Working out with buff gentlemen at 3 am in empty gyms. Travolta’s sleep cycle must be all kinds of messed up. Let’s say working out at 3 am is a normal thing for him – and he says as much in this interview – and let’s say that he works out for an hour, maybe 90 minutes. Then he has to shower and go home (unless the buff gentleman wants breakfast, I suppose). So Travolta is getting home at like 5 am, give or take an hour. Then what? He sleeps for eight hours? And he plays with his kids in the late afternoon, then it’s back to gym at 3 am. Very weird. I also think it’s odd that Travolta would need to go to an outside gym. Surely he has a home gym? But then the buff gentlemen would have to come to him?


Photos courtesy of WENN.
