Kevin Bacon is awesome & my thoughts on X-Men: First Class

Publish date: 2024-05-05


Here are some new photos of Kevin Bacon and his lovely wife Kyra Sedgwick at an event for the environmental organization, Global Green. Doesn’t Kevin look awesome? I’m in love with The Bacon all over again, just because I saw X-Men: First Class this weekend, and now I can barely function because I’m brimming over with Bacon, Fassbender and McAvoy love. So here are my thoughts on X-Men: First Class.

The basic story is how The X-Men formed as a group in 1960s. I was expecting lots of great Fassbender (Magneto) and McAvoy (Prof. X) one-on-one scenes, but that barely happened. Instead, I got a really wonderful 1960s-style action-adventure-spy film, with sci-fi mutants as sort-of CIA assets/agents. It was AWESOME. It was like an old-school James Bond movie, only James Bond is a Holocaust survivor who spends his time hunting former Nazis. And James Bond can do sh-t with metal when he gets angry.

Which brings me to Fassbender and The Bacon. I was slightly disappointed that there wasn’t as much James McAvoy as I was expecting, but they made up for it by making My Beloved Fassbender (Erik/Magento) the de facto lead. His story line drove the plot, and his scenes were the most exciting, in my opinion. He doesn’t speak English for the first part of the film, instead trying out his French, German and Spanish. It was awesome. There’s a part where he’s sitting across from a Swiss banker, speaking French and wearing an incredible beautiful suit and I actually squealed. Then there’s a part where he comes out of the water and I said, out loud in the middle of the theater, “Jesus Christ, HE’S WET NOW.” His ginger is incredible, his face is beautiful, and his acting is AMAZING. He really killed this role. He cries in a few scenes, and it’s like emotional porn. I wanted to lick his tears away and ride Magneto dong.

As for The Bacon… he was “the villain,” a former Nazi doctor who was “on the run” internationally, working his own global agenda. It was a different kind of role for The Bacon, and he killed it too. At the beginning, where he’s all Nazi-fied, he has this little mustache and he’s speaking German, and you realize “Damn, The Bacon can ACT.” I hope this is another opportunity for producers and directors to see him in a different kind of role and realize that he really can do ANY part.

Other favorite parts: Jennifer Lawrence is really, really pretty, and it was cool seeing Mystique as a little girl and as a young woman, trying to figure her life out. I enjoyed the hell out of Nicholas Hoult too – he really is a severely beautiful young man. There’s also this funky, funny ginger kid named Caleb Landry Jones who plays Banshee, and he’s just wonderful. Great comic relief, very goofy-sweet. My least favorite parts were the two weak links in the film: Zoe Kravitz and January Jones. Neither of them were ACTIVELY bad, but they weren’t good either.

Basically, this is one of the best films of the year, no doubt. I liked it more than anything I’ve seen in months and months. I made my mom see it because I’ve been talking about Fassbender for so long, and she wanted to see what the fuss was about. She likes traditional romantic comedies and British stuff, but she LOVED this film.





Photos courtesy of WENN.
