Million Dollar Listings Josh Altman Is Single: Five Potential Suitors

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Josh Altman

Million Dollar Listing’s Josh Altman is a lot of things, and now single is one of them. He and longtime girlfriend Heather decided recently to call off their wedding for a second time. They’ve released on details as to why they’ve made the decision to end their long relationship, but we now know that the reality television star is once again single and if he’s not already, he’ll eventually be looking for love. Is Josh Altman the kind of guy you want to take home to meet your parents? On paper, he’s amazing. He grew up with his parents in Massachusetts, attended Syracuse University where he was the kicker for the football team and moved to Los Angeles when he decided that real estate was where it was at.

He wasn’t wrong, either. He’s one of the top producers in his real estate firm, and he’s one of the stars of a hit reality television show that follows him around as he sells luxury homes to some of the wealthiest and sometimes the most famous people in the world. His commitment to his work is quite impressive, and he’s someone who has put a lot of focus into his career. Of course, you can’t become the top real estate producer in your company without being committed to your work, which is why he’s been able to make it this far in the business.

Now that he’s conquered success in the real estate industry, it’s time for Josh Altman to conquer success in his personal life. His family would like to see him settle down and marry a nice girl with whom he can have a couple of kids to coach when they play ball and help with their homework. He could be the kind of man that’s able to find a comfortable work/life balance, and we bet that some woman would be very appreciative to have him in her life. With that said, we have a few ideas about potential suitors for Josh Altman. Find out of you agree with the women we think he might actually make a good match.

Bethenny Frankel

Bethenney Frankel

Off the top of our heads, we like this match. It might garner a few raised eyebrows and some questionable looks, but we like it. She’s got a daughter already, and she’s a hugely successful reality television star and business owner. She knows all about hard work, dedication and putting her work life in a priority place. She seems like she would be the kind of older woman that would help Josh Altman settle down without actually dragging him down. He values his career, and we cannot imagine him wanting to slow down for anyone, and she doesn’t strike us as the kind of woman who would expect that. Also, she seems fun.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

She’s young, she’s kind of single and she’s a lot of fun. She has no kids, she’s focused on her own career and she’s perfectly happy to hang out at home in her sweats while the rest of the world is busy doing its thing. She seems like she might be the dream girlfriend of just about any man in the world, so why not Josh Altman? He could conquer the world one house at a time while she continues to conquer it as the Hunger Games champion. We imagine a lot of laughter, fun and enjoyment in their life; they would be kind of cute together, don’t you think?

Kourtney Kardashian

Kourtney Kardashian

This is more for her than for him. Of course, she seems to be the most normal of the bunch. She’s not as into being famous as her sisters, she has three kids to take care of and she’s pretty much a homebody because of it. We like the idea of Kourtney and Josh Altman because one, they’ve met already, and two, they seem to have a life that might just work well together. He could work until he was blue in the face and she’d be perfectly happy to be home with the kids being the quintessential mom. As long as he’s not partying every single night and drinking all the time, she doesn’t mind a hardworking man that provides for his family and puts his focus on his business. Additionally, if he decides he wants more kids, we bet she would be happy to have more. She’s into big families.

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria

We aren’t even sure she’s entirely single, but she’s gorgeous, she’s a little bit older and she is seriously focused on her own career. We think that perhaps she and Josh Altman might make a pretty good couple. She’s been burned by some of the more famous men she’s dated, so perhaps a man not in the entertainment industry would work out quite well for her in her life at this moment in time. We don’t hate the idea, but we do wonder if it would work out between two people who work so often in addition to her busy travel schedule. If the two of them could find time to spend together, they might find that their relationship works out just nicely. We don’t know where either of them stand on the aspect of having children, but we think that it’s something that they could work out as their relationship progressed.

Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr

Josh Altman is a businessman, and he’s not blind. Perhaps a relationship with a gorgeous supermodel is exactly what he needs in his life. Not only is she the gorgeous supermodel that every man dreams of dating, she’s not one to hang out in the spotlight unless she has to for work. Otherwise, she’s more into the private aspect of life where she can travel and hang out with her little boy without the entire world in her business. That might make her a good choice for Josh Altman. She’s fun and she’s private, she’s interested in having a life that doesn’t revolve around the cameras, and she’s very easy on the eyes.

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