MTG Proposes Amendment to Pull the U.S. Out of NATO:

Publish date: 2024-06-01

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Tuesday introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that called for President Biden to withdraw the United States from NATO. “They are not a reliable partner whose defense spending should be paid for by American citizens,” Greene said of the military alliance. “The United States has been financing and promising to defend NATO countries for decades and paying more than its fair share.” It’s a topic Greene is awfully passionate about—she’s repeatedly spoken out against NATO and the U.S. supporting Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. But despite her enthusiasm, the odds aren’t in her favor. On the same day Greene introduced her amendment, Biden was in Lithuania at the NATO summit, where he pledged that the U.S. would reaffirm its “ironclad commitment” to NATO and its allies.

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