Us Weekly: Kristin Cavallari is still a cokehead

Publish date: 2024-05-13
Reality TV Star Kristin Cavallari Greets Fans Outside Of The Wendy Williams Show On April 26, 2010 In New York City

Back in February, Us Weekly did something they rarely do – they called out a young star for her not-so-alleged drug use. Usually, Us Weekly tries to finesse it a little more with their sourced quotes and veiled accusations. But for a reality star like Kristin Cavallari, they didn‘t sugarcoat it at all, calling her “the erratic, gaunt star” and quoting a source who laid it out: “She was going around to everyone, asking them to score her some coke… Her issues are becoming apparent to everyone… She’s getting scary-thin and not showering regularly…She’s clearly unhealthy.” It took about two seconds for Kristen’s rep to deny it in total, and for her lawyer to rumble about a lawsuit.

This week, Us Weekly is doubling down on the cokehead accusations. This time their source claims: “I saw her do a line of cocaine…She’s been sucked into the Hollywood scene. She’s surrounded by the leeches who enable her.” Intense!

On the Apr. 27 Hills premiere, Kristin Cavallari strongly dismissed her costars’ insinuations that she has been doing drugs, but sources tell the new Us Weekly (on newsstands now) that the MTV reality star, 23, is spiraling out of control.

Earlier this month, after a night of dinking at Night Vision’s Oasis event at Coachella in Indio, Calif., Cavallari, 23, joined 37-year-old actor Jason Statham and several others for a late-night spin in a golf cart, the new Us Weekly reports.

“They got pulled over by the cops and were told to go home,” recounts a Cavallari acquaintance, who tells Us Weekly that throughout the music festival weekend, the star “was drinking and partying. I saw her do a line of cocaine.”

Though Cavallari’s lawyer denies she uses drugs, a source tells Us Weekly: “The dudes she hangs out with are all party promoters — and they’re party animals.”

Adds another: “She’s been sucked into the Hollywood scene. She’s surrounded by the leeches who enable her.”

For more — including how Cavallari “freaked” out on a bathroom attendant during a night of wild partying; her scary past brushes with cocaine; how costars Heidi and Spencer Pratt have blown through hundreds of thousands of dollars in recent months and the drama-filled return of Justin “Bobby” Brescia — pick up the new Us Weekly today!

[From Us Weekly]

So… is Kristin a cokehead? Maybe. Probably. I’ll buy that she was probably doing lines of coke at Coachella, and she probably does coke at parties and stuff. However, she looks relatively healthy to me. Her weight seems to fluctuate, and a few months ago I definitely thought she looked really strung out and eating-disorder-and-drug-use thin. She’s still thin, but she’s been looking a bit healthier these days, so maybe she’s gotten her partying under control? Or maybe she’s not partying as much?

Photo by: AJM/AAD/ 2010 4/24/10 Kristin Cavallari hosts a day at Liquid Poo Kristin Cavallari hosts the afternoon at liquid pool Las Vegas Kristin Cavallari heads home after a celebrity-filled evening at BOA steakhouse in LA
